Our Personality

Every individual and organization has a personality with characteristics and traits that make them unique and different from everyone else. Every church has a personality based on the values that are esteemed by first the leadership and then the congregation. The following qualities reflect what we already are to some degree and what we are becoming by His grace.

  • Esteeming and practicing the presence of God.
  • Warm, affectionate, friendly and open, while still respecting the processes necessary to develop deep and lasting relationships.
  • Dynamic and expressive, yet natural and unpretentious.
  • Encouraging the liberty of the Spirit, yet walking in the fruit of love and self-control.
  • Dependent on God and the power of truth and sincerity rather than on hype, schemes, domination or manipulation.
  • Uncompromisingly committed to truth and personal morality, and recognizing the need for teaching, exhortation and discipline, yet patient and understanding of human faults, and allowing and believing God to change people, with or without us.
  • Appreciative of the value of both simplicity and intellectual stimulation under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
  • Delighting in the full spectrum of musical and artistic expression for the glory of God while guarding against the danger of making an idol of human talent, or worshipping and serving the creation rather than the Creator, or acting independently without His authority.
  • Respectful of people with differing backgrounds, customs and viewpoints.
  • Cherishing both family relationships and the unique advantages of singleness.
  • Loving sinners but hating sin.